Feb 19, 2010

my baby ths week - 9mons 2weeks

A baby who has discovered cruising will "walk" around a room while supporting herself with furniture and other surfaces. To encourage walking, hold your baby's hands when she's standing facing you and see whether she can step toward you. Some 9-month-olds are ready to practice walking with a stable push toy. One prop not to use is a walker, as they are associated with serious injuries and can impede normal development, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

By this week, your baby will start to remember more specific information, such as where her toys are in your home. She'll also be able to imitate actions she's seen as long as a week before.
These skills indicate that she has recall memory — the ability to remember some details of a specific experience for a short time — though she still doesn't remember most of her experiences. Long-lasting conscious memory of specific events won't develop until your child is 2 or 3 years old, when real language emerges.

(source : www.babycenter.com)


my bb ths week alhamdulillah follow the bb milestone at ths age....
  • smlm aku dh nmpk dh dhani try to move ke kiri slow2...by holding kepala katil....aku pn encourage super bb aku nih dgn praktis bnyk kali... sungguh kiut sekali tgk dia belajar... 'i love 2 move it..move it!!!!'
  • n dhani pun dh bole (tp tgn aku still hold bahu dia) walking with a stable push toy...dlm kes ni stable push toy aku xbeli lg jz guna bakul n kerusi plastik kt umah je.. t ibu next mon ibu soh ayah beli ek....aku dh usha dh seratus lebey...
  • tp kalo bergerak facing muka aku by holding tgn dia je..haaa ni x pas lg.. bdn dia stil shakey lg...mybe kekuatan bahu or pinggang dia x reach max lg...if support kt bahu dia bole je jln..
  • dhani pn dh try nk bgn sendiri..tp up to monenggeng je.... belom bole brdiri dgn sendiri...
  • super bb aku ni jump skill sitting unsportted... dia direct crawling...so ths week aku nmpk dia dh bole duduk tnpa aku support within a few mins je...then dia tongkat dgn tgn....suke aku tgk dia duduk seniri...comel je....
  • dia pn dh tau kt mane lokasi aku simpan brg yg dia suke main (bakul bj, kerusi, kipas)..if put him in to walker...hah...dia start la attack fav toys dia tu....
  • yg kelakarnyer bile dpt mainan yg dia suke contohnye : dlm box tu ade segala bedak, minyak yuyi, sikat, mcm2 la mak nenek dlm box tu...dia akan punggah n campak dgn gerammnye n sambil melelh air liur......
  • yg peliknye... attitude kat umah n bile facing org luar msti different..... malu2 kucing, anje, lentok, senyap je...x kua suare pn.... n tgk je perangai org....

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